Sunday, 13 December 2009

More Images

Here are a few more pictures after i edited them from the original copy, but before i created the final representation image, i like the effects they created, i am thinging about changing the colours used though to maybe go with front covers colours more.

Range of images i have used/will use.

here are some of the images i used at the top left is after i edited the images(which i will talk about in my evaulation)

Magazine Cover Maybe Finished

Here is the first installment of my music magazine, it has the representation image which was inspired by "Blur's" album art, however i changed it to have the human faces above that were un-edited.

There is a banner along the top which is adverising a free Oasis poster and the price both in the same colours. Under the banner is a picture of the poster.

The mast head is in big lettering, hard to miss, it also stands out against its black contrast which gives a contrast in colours.

Along the left there are a short list of things you can expect to find inside the magazine, with the "Love Music Hate Racism" badge. With has kept with the black/yellow style along the bottom of the magazine cover.

The magazine costs £2, i did this so it was fairly priced as the magazine is aimed at a younger audience and anything over £2 might be abit expensive for a magazine, because it is priced i included a barcode.

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Contents page Analysis

Here is the contents page to a "NME" magazine, It has a big image in the middle with the title of what its about at the bottom, followed by the page number, the contents follow the colour of the NME logo red ,white and black,

Along the keft hand side the contents of the magazine are all listed in red, followed by the page number of were you can find them

Inside there is also the date of the magazine, underneath that there is a list of live gigs,reviews,news and more features, there is also a chance to subscribe to the magazine, with a phone number and a email adress.

Another Double Page Spread

Here is another spread we can compare this to the "jamelia" spread as it has highlighted Questions in the Q&A article, it is also a Q&A artcile unlike the Madonna one, we only have a smaller picture on this one of 2 band members from the band "the hours". We have another small image at the top left of the title of the band that contrats against its background so we can clearly see it.

Quotes are written in red font so we notice those too and we know that they will be inside the article, the author has probably taken these quotes as they are good pieces of information/ teasers for readers to see which will make them want to buy the magazine to read on.

Comparing Double Paged Spreads

Here are 2 double page spreads they have similar conventions however have different styles and representations.

This jamelia article uses black background and white text, the article also seems to be a Q&A style artcile and the questions are in red so its easy to see what is being asked and said.

We have a big image of jamelia curled up in a ball, she could be seen to be looking vulnerable, which would go with the title of her being "exposed"

Thursday, 3 December 2009

First Double Page Spread Lily Allen

Here is a double page spread of Lily Allen, one half of the spread is taken up by a massive picture of Lily Allen that also slightly reaches over onto the next page too. As the title on the page is a quote from somewhere in the article "People think im an attention seeker but im just being honest" this title is quite funky lettering and Lily Allen could be considered as a cool funky person.
She seems to be leaning intowards the reader with her hands on her hips, this could be seen as an intimidating pose with no smile or real facial expression,
The mackground for this article is white which makes Lilly Allen stand out against it in her red top red also can represent romance or danger maybe even agression which also reflects the stance she is stood in.

Mind Map

Considering Names for my Magazine

First here are a list of Magazines thast come to mind.

  1. Mojo
  2. Q
  3. Bazaar
  4. NME
  5. kerrang!
  6. Rolling Stones
  7. Scuzz
  8. MTV
  9. Fizz

here are a list of names i am currently considering

  1. bang music magazine
  2. Indie Rock
  3. Musik Spark
  4. Music Libary
  5. Musik Traklist

Wednesday, 2 December 2009


Here is another magazine but dedicated to fashion and perfumes, it follows certain conventions just like Q and Mojo and NME, we see the represented image of a woman smelling her wrist, there is a small joke.."Enter the Era of Elegance" and we see her with her hand in the air smelling her wrist which isnt very elegant.
There is a white background in contrast to the black title "Bazaar" and then she is wearing black and has black hair which keeps the colour scheme going. She also has red lip stick on which could be qite seductive towards a male audience buying the perfume for women.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Comparing other magazines to Music Ones.

Here is a "Empire" film magazine, we can see on the front colour, there are bright colours which could be used to catch viewers eyes, the colours also correspond with the represented image on the front which is "the joker", he wears greens and pinks and is ruthless and quite crazy, the colours used match what colours he wears and also we see a spray painted pink along the back which is something what joker would do.

However other things we can see are the Mast head that reads "Empire" in big read much like Q's and the main image on the front, also we have a list of sub headings and things we can expect to find withtin the magazine, along with Jokers name on the left of the magazine just to make sure viewers know who it is.